Sample HTML Forms
Securely exchange Data via #Blockchain with Aloaha eForms Provider
Securely exchange Data via #Blockchain with Aloaha eForms Provider
Aloaha eForm Provider now supporting handwritten signatures
Aloaha eForm Provider now supporting handwritten signatures.
Sample Form: Application for Trader Reference Number (TRN)
Sample Form: Application for Trader Reference Number (TRN)
Sample responsive e-Form: “Anmeldung eines Hundes”
Sample responsive e-Form: “Anmeldung eines Hundes”
Attach files to already submitted PDF or HTML Forms
Attach files to already submitted PDF or HTML Form
Sample FormK: Notification of changes among directors or company secretary or in the representation of a company
Sample Form: Notification of changes among directors or company secretary or in the representation of a company
Sample Birth Certificate PDF and HTML Form
The Birth Certificate Form exists as PDF Form (works ONLY in Adobe Reader) and the correspondent responsive HTML Form. The PDF Form is: BirthCertificate.pdf In case you do not want to use the Adobe Reader just use the HTML Form on: You see that once you press submit you receive the same PDF Form!