Aloaha Form Provider for responsive HTML and dynamic PDF Forms

Aloaha Form Provider Fees

Aloaha Form Provider Fees

In-form payments of fees

One of the major features of the Aloaha Form Provider is the ability to collect form related fees directly from within the form. You can try it out with our demo form:

If you are asked for a Mnemonic Phrase kindly use our testphrase:

brass security afford maze adapt cousin item silk about auction fossil aisle

As a password you can choose your own password. The password is used to AES encrypt the phrase in your local secure browser storage.

Payment of forms and software

It is also possible to pay with the Aloaha Wallet for the editing and/or hosting of the electronic forms on our server itself.

Payment of the forms is very easy. We either send you a payment like:

And/or we send you a QR Code like the one below to pay directly with your Mobile Wallet:

Aloaha Mobile Wallet
Aloaha Mobile Wallet

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