With the Aloaha e-Form Provider and the included Online PDF Form Designer (user mia, password mia) it has never been that simple to create interactive, fillable PDF Forms. Our solution is ideal to generate responsive saveable and submitable PDF forms that lets people send responses directly to your email account.
Forms are automatically generated as dynamic PDF and responsive HTML forms!
Please go to the following URL to create and edit sample electronically fillable forms online:
http://forms.form-provider.com/ Username: mia Password: mia
Short Manual: eforms.pdf
Sample electronically fillable form:
Application Award: http://forms.form-provider.com/pdfforms.aspx?fid=mia_application2
Forms will be opened as responsive HTML when mobile devices, Google Chrome, etc are used. Furthermore HTML will be used if the form requires additional document uploads as it is in this case.
In case you need to force the usage of PDF you can always add the parameter pdf=1.
The same is possible if you want to enforce the HTML version:
- Add new PDF form fields to any existing PDF file.
- Create a new PDF from scratch.
- Add form fields, Images, Plain Text etc.
- Change font, color and font size.
- Cascaded documents. A document can depend on one or more documents (letterheads).
- Define style policies.
- Existing forms can be cloned so save time for new forms.
- Release and publish PDF Form to online PDF Form Filler.
- Automatically generate PDF forms AND responsive HTML Forms.
- User Management.
- Group Management.
- Optional BlockChain support. For example publish the digest of form submissions to a blockchain as proof of existence, pay form fees via BlockChain or even authenticate user.
- NO DOWNLOADS REQUIRED – try it out on http://forms.form-provider.com